Harmonic Masters
For what and for whom?
Are there important decisions pending in your company? Difficult personnel decisions? Strategic alignments? Urgent management questions? Good governance or really anchored compliance?
Whatever the challenges. Companies, organizations, their management and employees
have to cope with a lot of uncertainty and complexity.
Then go for Harmonic Masters!
These ingenious online tools help you to quickly gain an overview, clarity and security for your business challenges. Always specifically tailored to your topic. The better you follow instructions, the further you will succeed on your own (otherwise you will find help from experts here).
How do Harmonic Guides do it?
With a map and a navigation. Harmonic Masters make visible all relevant factors that influence your challenge, how they arrange in the map and how they resonate with each other. Having thereby obtained a well-structure overview it usually is not too diffucult to find a decent path to a good solution. So you will easily and quickly find your way from a nebulous problem to a proper to-do list and gain the momentum to get it done.
You can order Harmonic Masters here shortly!
Harmonic Masters are products of Harmonia Logic AG, Berlin/Wittenberg. Further tools based on the coherent logic of action for other areas of application are Harmonic Life Guides for all people, Harmonic Business Guides for small businesses and professionals and Harmonic Founder Guides for founders and entrepreneurs.
Dr. Martin Böckstiegel and Dr. Elke Böckstiegel are founders and partners of Harmonia Logic as well as pioneers of the harmonic methodology.
Moreover Harmonia Logic offers Guidance and Training working with this methodology and the tools based on it (online Harmonic Guides and Harmonic Masters, offline Harmonic Action Canvasses).
Harmonia Academy is the Academy of Harmonia Logic offering education on the harmonic methodolody and the tools based on it, among others several training courses for advisors and facilitators (Aktions-Systemische Beratung / Harmonic Facilitation) as well as for other professionals (e.g. Harmonic Business Professional and Harmonic Business Coach).