
Here you will find tutorials that show you how to use Harmonic Guides. So far there are two types of tutorials:

  • Explanatory videos about the guide as a whole and about specific functionalities, and
  • Example videos showing the work with the guides on a practical case.

More and more tutorials will be added bit by bit. If you miss something important, write to us!


Explanatory videos

1. How is a guide structured?

This video explains how a Guide is structured and how it works.


2. How do I work with connecting lines?

An explanatory video will be available shortly!

3. How does the phase navigation work?

This video explains how the phase navigation works.


Example videos

1. Life Guides: Everyday Life

Example video laundry management (phases 1 - 6)

Here you can see the entire process in a coherent video.





Example video (introduction and phase 1)




Example video laundry management (Phase 2)




Example video laundry management (Phase 3)




Example video laundry management (Phase 4)




Example video laundry management (Phase 5)




Example video laundry management (Phase 6)


2. Life Guides: Carreer

Example video job offer (phases 1 - 6)

Here you can see the entire process in a coherent video.





Example video job offer (introduction and phase 1)





Example video job offer (Phase 2)





Example video job offer (Phase 3)





Example video job offer (Phase 4)





Example video job offer (Phase 5)





Example video job offer (Phase 6)


Your question wasn´t there? Write to us!

Please add 2 and 8.