Harmonic SDG-Guides
Why and for whom?
Do you also align your company and your business decisions with sustainability? Towards sustainability as described in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Do you therefore have the challenge of bringing together entrepreneurial action and sustainability? Does this present you with conflicting goals, contradictions and system obstacles? Is it difficult to keep track and orientation in the process?
Whatever the challenges are called. Companies, their leadership and their employees who embark on the path of sustainability have to master a great deal of uncertainty and complexity.
Then go for Harmonic SDG-Guides!
Harmonic Guides will help you to gain overwiew, clarity and security. And unleash powers you never thought you have. Just coach yourself with Harmonic Guides! Its easier than you might think. The better you follow instructions, the further you will succeed on your own (otherwise you will find help from experts here).
How do Harmonic Guides do it?
With a map and a navigation. Harmonic SDG-Guides make visible all relevant factors that influence your challenge, how they arrange in the map and how they resonate with each other. Having thereby obtained a well-structure overview it usually is not too difficult to find a decent path to a good solution. So you will easily and quickly find your way from a nebulous problem to a proper to-do list and gain the momentum to get it done.
So you can act sustainably!
At the center of each SDG Guide is a map that guides you through your question. Because sustainable action in particular poses challenges in all kinds of areas, there are maps for different topics.
This makes it even easier for you to use the Harmonic SDG Guides. Currently there are two maps, the "Decide Wisely" map and the ZEBRA map. More maps will follow soon and will be included, which means they will get more and more support without any additional cost.
Decide wisely
The map "Decide Wisely" helps businesses, especially small and medium-sized companies, to work out wise decisions with sustainable effect. Both in strategic questions and in daily business decisions, which today have to deal with higher systemic uncertainty and complexity than in the past.
Do I perceive all relevant factors and their interactions? Can I harmonize business and sustainability requirements? Does this result in win-win instead of win-lose? What does my concrete sustainable action look like?
The ZEBRA-Map is made to work out the important basic topics around the start-up. Not for starting a flash in the pan start-up, but for a sustainable company and business.
Do I really have a common cause with my co-founders? Can we act harmoniously no matter what decisions our stakeholders make? Do we see all the important interdependencies?
If you have such questions, the Zebra Map helps with a well-structured overview of all relevant factors. So that already the important early steps, which determine the path for the success of your sustainable business, succeed.
Harmonic Life Guide Basic
- full visualierung and guidance
- all important functions
- all available maps
- 24/7 access
- number of projects not limited
- easy to use
- ready to get started
Annual Subscription
15,- EUR plus VAT per month
(180,- EUR plus VAT per year)
Harmonic SDG Guides are products of Harmonia Logic AG, Berlin/Wittenberg. Further tools based on the harmonious logic of action for other areas of application are Harmonic Life Guides for everybody and Harmonic Masters for corporations (companies, organizations, institutions and their employees).
Dr. Martin Böckstiegel and Dr. Elke Böckstiegel are founders and partners of Harmonia Logic as well as pioneers of the harmonic methodology.
Moreover Harmonia Logic offers Guidance and Training working with theWisdomThinking®-methodology and the tools based on it (online Harmonic Guides and Harmonic Masters, offline Harmonic Action Canvasses).
Harmonia Academy is the Academy of Harmonia Logic offering education on the WisdomThinking®-method and the tools based on it, both for consultants (WisdomThinking® Coach / Action-Systemic® Coach) and for other professionals (WisdomThinking® Leader).